Setting SMART Goals for Your Health

Setting SMART Goals for Your Health

When setting health goals, making them SMART goals can help you keep them. Having vague goals such as, ‘eat healthier’ or ‘exercise more’ can be very frustrating and not end well. Your goals surrounding your health should always be attainable...
Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a healthful dish to have during the holidays. Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A,C, potassium and beta carotene. This can help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Pumpkin can also boost your immune system. We certainly could use that during the holiday...
Healthy High Protein/Low Calorie Recipes

Healthy High Protein/Low Calorie Recipes

Summer is just around the corner! If you are looking to lose weight in order to get the perfect summer beach body, a great way to start is by investing time into eating a healthier diet. Both diet and exercise are very important for weight loss and physical wellbeing....